ProPrompter Studio
Published by Bodelin
Initially submitted to the app store in 2008, this was the first tele-prompting application
that allowed movie length scripts to be smoothly animated at any speed on a mobile device. Script
data is synced with a custom web stack using REST. Peer to Peer remote control allows one producer
to direct up to three presenting devices. Allows video recording.
Core Animation, Multipeer Connectivity, NSURL, REST, AVFoundation.
ProScope QC
Published by Bodelin
Companion application for the ProScope Micro Mobile microscope attachment for iPhone.
Fully accelerated video compositing using Core Image and AVFoundation to overlay true scale
measurement. Video and photo capture to Photo library at maximum supported resolutions.
AV Foundation, Core Image, Asset Library, AV Movie Capture, Grand Central Dispatch.
Skynet POS
Enterprise App by The Mac Store
Internally published application designed to allow rapid checkout at retail locations.
Integrated with internal Skynet ERP system via custom XML API. Integrated with credit card
swipe iPod touch attachment and barcode scanner. Search and lookup of full product catalog.
Linea Pro swipe/scanner integration, signature capture, XML integration,
HTTPS authentication.
Keep It Simple Sales
Never Published
While never completed and released for sale, development proceeded well past the initial
idea and design phase. Leveraged multiple views of model data and built on Core Data. Intended
to streamline focus and organically expose sales leads. Project was scrapped due to other
higher priority projects causing lost first-to-market opportunity.
Core Animation, Core Data.